undefined undefined British Saints to Celebrate 150 Years of the Church in Britain
British Saints to Celebrate 150 Years of the Church in Britain
October 1986

“British Saints to Celebrate 150 Years of the Church in Britain,” Ensign, Oct. 1986, 76

British Saints to Celebrate 150 Years of the Church in Britain

The year 1987 is the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first party of missionaries to the British Isles. The First Presidency has approved plans for a series of projects and events designed to celebrate that auspicious event.

Because many Church members trace their ancestry back to the British Isles, it is anticipated that there will be much interest and involvement in the celebrations from people in many parts of the world. Following are some of the activities planned for the commemoration.

• The central celebration will be a series of six conferences held in key population centers on Sunday, 26 July 1987. General Authorities will preside at conferences in Belfast, Birmingham, Cardiff, Dublin, Glasgow, and London.

• A history of the Church in the British Isles, Truth Will Prevail, is currently being written and will be published in Britain. A musical with the same title will depict the story of the Church in the British Isles. Regions and stakes are being encouraged to stage this musical in the autumn of 1987.

• Research is underway to gather additional information on Church historical sites.

• An inexpensive guidebook and map is being produced to guide visitors to historical sites, and the possibility of erecting plaques or some other form of marker at key locations is being investigated.

• One issue of the Ensign in 1987 will focus on the anniversary, and one edition of BYU Studies will focus on the history of the Church in the British Isles.

• David Cook, area coordinator for the Church Educational System, is heading an oral history project. Richard Jensen, an oral history expert from Brigham Young University, is scheduled to visit Britain to conduct training workshops. The intention is to involve as many seminary and institute students as possible in recording the recollections of some older members of the Church.

• During a seven-week period in 1987, commemorative postal slogans will be used on envelopes going out of selected towns to draw attention to the anniversary. A set of dies will be given to each stake, and will be used to stamp the slogan on outgoing mail.

• A new video telling the story of the Church in the British Isles will be made in Britain.

Because the Area Presidency desires to retain an effective overview of all anniversary activities, they have asked to be kept informed of any family association or group activities planned for the anniversary year in the British Isles. Details should be sent to:

Area Presidency
Porthstrasse 5–7
Postfach 501070
West Germany

A regular newsletter will be published detailing the various regional, stake, ward, and branch activities held throughout the year.