undefined undefined Pioneering the Gospel in Australia
Pioneering the Gospel in Australia
October 1986

“Pioneering the Gospel in Australia,” Ensign, Oct. 1986, 32–41

The Church in Australia

Pioneering the Gospel in Australia

  • Marjorie A. Newton serves as staff training director at the Mortdale, Australia, branch genealogical library and as music chairman in the Bankstown Ward.

(Left) The recently discovered grave of William Barratt, the first LDS missionary to Australia, in the coastal town of Victor Harbor. (Center) Looking across the bay to Perth. (Upper right) The Vale of Ah, located on the Georges River in the Sydney suburb of Milperra, was one of the places where baptisms were performed in the 1920s. (Lower right) A Primary class in the Perth Third Ward.

(Top) Looking across Victoria Bridge to Brisbane. (Center) The Beenleigh Ward chapel, Brisbane Australia South Stake. (Bottom) Assistants Marvis Tucker, left, and Dulcie Kay work at the Perth Dianella stake branch genealogical library.

(Top) Youth from the Sydney Hebersham stake on an outing at the Blue Mountains of New South Wales. (Center) Sydney Harbor as it looked in 1871. (Bottom) “Paxton” has been the headquarters of the Sydney mission since 1955. Mission offices are to the right.

(Top) A Relief Society homemaking miniclass in the Perth Third Ward views a videotape on cooking. (Center) Looking across the Yarra River to Melbourne. (Bottom) The Melbourne Australia Moorabbin Stake center.

(Left) Perth Third Ward organist Rebecca Liddicoat. (Center) Church members at the former Australian Mission headquarters in Pemell Street, Enmore, about 1908. The structure still stands. (Upper right) Scoutmaster Steve Jackson instructs boys of the Perth Eighth Ward. (Lower right) The Westlakes Ward chapel in Adelaide.