Family Scripture Club
February 1989

“Family Scripture Club,” Ensign, Feb. 1989, 71

Family Scripture Club

“C’mon, Mom, you don’t wanna miss Scripture Club!” my sons say as they lead me from the dinner dishes.

Knowing that our children love to belong to special groups, we began a family “Scripture Club.” The children hold the offices of president (who welcomes the club members and assigns the prayers) and doorkeeper (who assigns the song and sees that reverence is maintained). The children enjoy switching offices each week, so each has a chance to fill a leadership role. Since our sons are still young, my husband and I are the readers; but as the children grow older and the number of children in our family increases, we plan to add more club officers and to let the children prepare and give lessons.

Our Scripture Club meets six nights a week for fifteen to twenty minutes. (On the seventh night, we hold family home evening.) Each meeting begins with the president’s welcome, a prayer, and an opening song. A brief lesson directly from the scriptures or a telling of someone’s favorite scripture story—often with colorful visual aids—comes next, followed by a closing song and prayer.

Scripture Club is our family’s favorite activity of the day. Through it, we have learned to love studying the scriptures together, and we have enjoyed increased spirituality and more patience in dealing with each other. And it has brought my husband and me peace of mind to see how much our little ones are learning.—Laura Marie Huchton, Ingram, Texas

Illustrated by Scott Greer