BYU to Build Center in Washington, D.C.
November 1989

“BYU to Build Center in Washington, D.C.” Ensign, Nov. 1989, 108

BYU to Build Center in Washington, D.C.

Brigham Young University will build a new facility in downtown Washington, D.C., to house its Washington Seminar program.

The $3 million building will provide a library, office, seminar room, and reception area, as well as housing for the students and the program’s director.

Construction of the building was made possible by a $2 million gift to the university from the Milton and Gloria Barlow Foundation, President Rex E. Lee announced. Other donations will be sought to make up the additional $1 million of the cost for the facility.

The university is also seeking to establish a $1 million endowment fund through private funding to help students who otherwise could not afford to participate in the seminar.

The new center will provide affordable housing for forty-four to fifty single and married students. University officials hope the reduced housing costs will make it possible for more students to participate.

Students in the Washington Seminar serve as interns for a semester, working in various government offices and learning about the operation of government and politics.

Construction of the new center is expected to begin in the spring. Current plans are that it be open for fall semester 1991.
