January 1990

“Contents,” Ensign, Jan. 1990, 1


January 1990

Volume 20 Number 1

On the cover: Backdrop—Columns of the Temple of Karnak, Luxor, Egypt, and a camel caravan in Egypt. Front cover inset (top)—View of the treasury at the entrance to Petra, Jordan. All three photos by William Floyd Holdman. Front cover inset (bottom)—Pyramids of Giza. Back cover inset—Plain of Rahah and Mt. Sinai. Both photos by Richard Cleave. Used by permission.

Inside front cover: And God Said, Let Us Make Man … by Stanley Galli, 20″ x 12″, gouache, 1969. Courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art.

Inside back cover: Abraham Leaving Haran, by Frank Adams, 27″ x 19″, watercolor and grease pencil, 1914. Courtesy of the Museum of Church History and Art.
