‘Golden Rule’ Prayer
July 1990

“‘Golden Rule’ Prayer,” Ensign, July 1990, 60

“Golden Rule” Prayer

My parents were faced with the task of preparing to move seven children under the age of ten, including a one-day-old baby, to Flagstaff, Arizona, in two weeks. My Aunt Renee, who lived in Logan, Utah, wanted to come to Thatcher, Arizona, to help. But Aunt Renee also had a young family, and she was unable to leave her own home responsibilities. So she turned to the Lord in prayer—her never-failing source of help.

Aunt Renee prayed fervently, asking Heavenly Father to please send help to her sister in Thatcher. In return, she offered to help her neighbor across the street who also had a new baby. Then, with unwavering faith, Aunt Renee helped her neighbor every day for several days.

Unaware of my aunt’s prayer, our neighbors and ward members in Thatcher showered my mother with what seemed an extra outpouring of love and service. They provided meals for our family and gifts for the new baby. One neighbor even cleaned our house every day until we moved to Flagstaff.

Aunt Renee was not surprised when she received my mother’s letter telling of the “extra-mile” service by the people of Thatcher. She knew a prayer had been answered.

  • Dixie M. Lyman serves as a counselor in the Primary presidency of the Richfield Fourth Ward, Richfield Utah Stake.
