Our Family Is Coordinated
July 1990

“Our Family Is Coordinated,” Ensign, July 1990, 74

Our Family Is Coordinated

With five children ranging in age from nine to seventeen and seven different work, Church, school, Scouting, and social schedules, our family couldn’t keep track of each other. It always seemed that someone was unexpectedly missing for dinner and that the chores and the dishes were assigned to someone who wasn’t home. To get back in control, we began holding a family “business meeting” each Sunday evening.

We ask every family member to attend this meeting. First, we calendar everyone’s activities for the week. Then we organize chores to fit each person’s schedule. We set up main-dish menus for each night and make cooking assignments.

Next, we chart upcoming schoolwork so we aren’t surprised by papers or projects at the last minute. We note any special school or activity fees as well as school supplies or items of clothing that we need to include in our budget.

We also ask each child about Young Women goals, Scouting merit badges, Aaronic Priesthood assignments, and seminary progress. At this time, our children often offer suggestions to one another for meeting their goals. We assign someone to help our nine-year-old pass off certain Cub Scout achievements or arrow points so that he can progress steadily.

At the end of the meeting, we give each person time to express any additional comments or concerns. We’re delighted at how this meeting helps make our lives run smoothly, and at how much more cooperation and understanding we have within our family because of it.—Victoria Mo‘unoa, Orem, Utah
