Computerized Scriptures Glitch Can Be Fixed
August 1990

“Computerized Scriptures Glitch Can Be Fixed,” Ensign, Aug. 1990, 80

Computerized Scriptures Glitch Can Be Fixed

Many people with new, larger home computers are encountering difficulty in running the Computerized Scriptures, but the problem can be remedied.

The problem occurs when users of DOS 4.0 or above make the DOS partition larger than 32 megabytes. The Computerized Scriptures were originally designed to run on DOS 2.1 or above, without such a large partition.

The problem can be cured by entering the command “C:\LDS\ldsview net” when using a drive partition larger than 32 megabytes. The backslash must be used; the word “net” must be written in lowercase letters.

Unfortunately, this command is not included in the documentation for the Computerized Scriptures.
