Soweto Branch an Example of Love, Elder Lindsay Says
February 1991

“Soweto Branch an Example of Love, Elder Lindsay Says,” Ensign, Feb. 1991, 79–80

Soweto Branch an Example of Love, Elder Lindsay Says

Members of the Soweto Branch, near Johannesburg, South Africa, are showing that the Savior’s love is stronger than the violence and suffering that have brought tragedy to their area for so many years, says Elder Richard P. Lindsay of the Seventy, President of the Africa Area.

Elder Lindsay and his wife, Marian, complimented members of the branch, after a visit with them late last year, for the way they are living gospel principles. Approximately one hundred black members of the Johannesburg South Africa Stake attend the branch.

“The cooperation that exists between the stake and mission leaders and the faithful Saints of Soweto can be a model for an entire nation which so desperately needs the pure love of Christ as its guide in the relationships of its people,” Elder Lindsay said.

Mission and stake leaders meet regularly with branch leaders to help them in providing all the blessings of Church membership to Soweto Saints, Elder Lindsay noted. Local leaders look forward to the day when the branch will have its own chapel, rather than meeting in a school.

Several members of the branch have recently received temple endowments, and some are serving as ordinance workers in the Johannesburg South Africa Temple, according to temple president Charles Canfield.

Elder Lindsay reported: “It thrilled our souls to hear the Soweto Saints conclude an especially spiritual sacrament meeting by singing with great emotion and beautiful harmony, without benefit of organ or piano: ‘And soon we’ll have this tale to tell—All is well! All is well!’”
