undefined undefined Book of Mormon Stories
Book of Mormon Stories
October 1992

“Book of Mormon Stories,” Ensign, Oct. 1992, 27

Book of Mormon Stories

I am a Sierra Leonean by nationality. I have been a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for almost four years. Since the Church has been in my country for only five years, I consider myself one of the founding members of the Church in Sierra Leone.

I was born to Muslim parents and associated mostly with Muslims as a child. But by the time I was fifteen, I was investigating Christianity. I eventually began worshipping with a Pentecostal group. In February 1989 I came in contact with missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They were visiting the college I was attending.

The first discussion was rough for them because I was very skeptical about the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. At the end of the discussion, they gave me a copy of the Book of Mormon and challenged me to read it and pray about it. Over the next few days, as I read and prayed, the Holy Ghost bore witness to me that the Book of Mormon is indeed another testament of Jesus Christ. I was baptized later that month.

The Book of Mormon has shaped my life to conform to that of a true Christian. Before I was baptized, I involved myself in practices that are counter to the teachings of Christ. But when I became a member of the Church and started reading the Book of Mormon, I began to experience great changes in my life. I started to live like a true Mormon.

I read the Book of Mormon over and over again until it became part of me. My favorite song became “Book of Mormon Stories,” which says in part, “Book of Mormon stories tell that we must brothers be, given this land if we live righteously.”

The Book of Mormon continues to help me. When I have a problem, I read the Book of Mormon and pray, and often I see a way to solve that problem. When I have difficulties with my family, my friends, or my educational career, I feel better when I read through this book.

I used to have bad dreams. Nothing I did seemed to help until I started reading two or three chapters every night from the Book of Mormon. Now I sleep peacefully at night.

I don’t know how to express my appreciation for the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Through it, I know that God lives, that Jesus is the very Christ, and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and a powerful witness of Jesus Christ.