New MTC in Guatemala
October 1992

“New MTC in Guatemala,” Ensign, Oct. 1992, 80

New MTC in Guatemala

A new building to house the Missionary Training Center in Guatemala is evidence of the growth of the Church in Central America, said speakers during the recent ground-breaking ceremony for the structure.

Nearly 135 people, including area, regional, and stake leaders, attended the ground-breaking ceremony for the facility, which is to be built near the Guatemala City Temple.

Elder Ted E. Brewerton of the Seventy, and Central America Area president, said the future will see an increased growth of the Church in that area of the world. “From a humble group of six men in Guatemala forty years ago, we have grown to more than 260,000 members in Central America.

“Although we have seen much, we will see more,” Elder Brewerton continued. “There will be many millions throughout Central America.”

Other speakers included Elders Carlos Amado and Jorge A. Rojas, counselors in the area presidency; Brother Boyd Fenn, director of the Guatemala Missionary Training Center; and Brother Udine Fallabella, a regional representative.

Elder Amado told listeners that the construction of the new training center is an answer to the 1952 dedicatory prayer offered by Elder Spencer W. Kimball, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve:

“‘Bless, we pray thee, the mission work in all the world, but today we ask the special blessing upon the Lamanite cause and ask that the seed of Lehi in these Central American countries and the Gentiles among them be blessed,’” said Elder Amado, recalling the words of the dedicatory prayer. Elder Amado continued, “We hope and plan for the [facility] to be filled and well used by those from Central America and the Caribbean nations who come here.”
