undefined undefined Ground Broken for First Meetinghouse in Swaziland
Ground Broken for First Meetinghouse in Swaziland
October 1992

“Ground Broken for First Meetinghouse in Swaziland,” Ensign, Oct. 1992, 74

Ground Broken for First Meetinghouse in Swaziland

Some two hundred Church members and leaders from five branches throughout Swaziland gathered to witness the ground-breaking ceremony for the first LDS meetinghouse in the small southeastern Africa kingdom.

Elder Earl C. Tingey of the Seventy, second counselor in the Africa Area presidency, presided. Elder Tingey reminded listeners of the importance of honoring and obeying the laws of their country. He urged them to continue paying tithes and offerings and to care for the new building. He said that the meetinghouse will be a place where “men, women, and children will be taught how to live the gospel of Jesus Christ in the home.”

Other speakers at the ceremony included President Peter Mourik of the South Africa Johannesburg Mission and Jerome Shongwe, president of the Swaziland District.

President Mourik said the building will be a great blessing to the community. He also admonished the people to faithfully follow the counsel of the Savior and his servants. “If you listen to the words of Jesus Christ and live by them, you will be a blessed people,” he said.

In his remarks, President Shongwe recounted the history of the Church in Swaziland, reminding listeners that Church work began there in 1985 with seven members from the United States who were working in the country.

Government officials also attended and spoke at the services. Enos Mavuso, principal secretary to the minister of home affairs, attended as an official representative of Prince Soblana.

He expressed the hope that the Church would have continued success. “It is our prayer that the Church grows. I think that in heaven, angels are happy because they know another family has been added. … May God shed his blessings on you,” Mavuso continued, “and may he also bless all who are responsible for this church, not only in Swaziland but all those in other countries who have helped to build it.”