Two New Missions Created
February 1993

“Two New Missions Created,” Ensign, Feb. 1993, 73

Two New Missions Created

The First Presidency has announced the creation of two new missions in Australia and India. Both missions were scheduled to begin operation in January 1993.

Elder Glenn L. Pace of the Seventy serves as mission president of the Australia Sydney North Mission, which was organized through a division of the Australia Sydney Mission. The new unit brings to six the number of missions in the country, and it is the second mission based in Sydney. Other missions are headquartered in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, and Perth. There are nearly 80,000 members of the Church in Australia.

Boundaries of the new India Bangalore Mission are shown on above map.

Boundaries of the new India Bangalore Mission are shown on above map.

Gurcharan Singh Gill of Provo, Utah, serves as mission president of the India Bangalore Mission, which was organized from the Singapore Mission. The new mission includes the countries of India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan within its boundaries. There are approximately 1,200 Church members in those three countries.
