Flood Spares Nauvoo Sites
October 1993

“Flood Spares Nauvoo Sites,” Ensign, Oct. 1993, 77

Flood Spares Nauvoo Sites

Floodwaters that devastated many areas of the Midwest posed little threat to sites at Nauvoo. Three areas—the city waterworks, the Nauvoo House, and the Smith Family Cemetery—were threatened, but sandbagging efforts saved the sites.

Aside from a few closed low-level roads and flooded basements, no damage occurred in Nauvoo. When it became apparent that the Nauvoo House was in danger of being flooded, members of the Church, community, and RLDS Church worked together filling sandbags to contain the water.

The flooding did affect some local tourist events though. The annual “City of Joseph” pageant, scheduled to open July 30, was canceled because of devastation throughout the Midwest.

“Many of the people who perform in the pageant were having troubles of their own,” said Elder Bart Tollefson, public affairs missionary for the Illinois Peoria Mission, which includes the Nauvoo Restoration area.

Tourist attendance at the Nauvoo sites decreased because flooded roads and closed or restricted bridges made travel difficult.

Despite that, two shows were added in place of the canceled “City of Joseph” pageant. “Rendezvous in Old Nauvoo” was performed twice each night for those who came to Nauvoo expecting to see the pageant. Also shown was a matinee, “Nauvoo Adventures.”
