undefined undefined Jeni’s Cookbook
Jeni’s Cookbook
October 1993

“Jeni’s Cookbook,” Ensign, Oct. 1993, 66

Jeni’s Cookbook

I wanted to give my oldest daughter, Jeni, something special for her graduation from high school. About two months before graduation, I decided to send a letter to people who had been an influence in Jeni’s life and ask them for their favorite recipes.

The response was wonderful! I received nearly one hundred recipes from grandmas, great-aunts, Primary and Young Women leaders, seminary teachers, and friends. I typed up each recipe, grouping them in categories. Then I put each of the thirty-five pages in a plastic page protector and compiled them in a three-ring notebook. Jeni’s Aunt Holly made dividers on pink paper for the cookbook.

Since some of the recipes were special, I also gave her the originals. Now she has a copy of Great-Grandpa LaBaron’s pudding recipe in his own handwriting.

Jeni was thrilled as she thumbed through the cookbook and read the names of those who contributed. Since graduation from high school, she has used her recipe book at college. It is practical, and yet she also treasures it because it is rich in heritage and memories.—Rebecca Kelly, Federal Way, Washington

Photography by Phil Shurtleff; photo props by David McDonald