Focus on Children
January 1994

“Focus on Children,” Ensign, Jan. 1994, 80

Focus on Children

The following letter from the First Presidency was sent to local Church leaders:

“In many areas of the world, children are increasingly at risk from malnutrition, disease, and war. Abuse and neglect of children, immorality, and violence are becoming more common. The children of the Church need to be cared for and taught gospel principles.

“The best place for a child to learn the gospel is in the home. Mothers and fathers have the responsibility to teach and care for their children. (D&C 68:25–28.) It is also important for extended families, priesthood leaders, auxiliary leaders and teachers to help strengthen children. The principles children learn at home and at Church will help them gain a strong foundation of testimony that they can use to make righteous choices and faithfully live the gospel of Jesus Christ.

“The Lord said, ‘All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children.’ (3 Ne. 22:13.) We reemphasize the need for all adult members to focus on our children in an ongoing effort to help them learn to follow the teachings of the Savior. We encourage priesthood leaders to help parents understand their role and responsibility to teach their children. Priesthood leaders should also consider prayerfully how they can help to bless the lives of children. Because this responsibility for our children is so important, we must rededicate ourselves to nourish and bless them temporally and spiritually. …

“We pray that all Church members will continue to improve teaching and caring for the children and bless their lives as the Savior did.”
