“The Brush of Faith,” Ensign, Feb. 1994, 42
The Brush of Faith
The Church’s Museum of Church History and Art sponsored the Second International Art Competition in 1989. The theme of that exhibition was the scriptures. More than eight hundred Latter-day Saint artists in forty-two nations created paintings, pottery, needlework, and crafts based on scriptural themes.
Since then, the Ensign has featured many of the entries; additional painting entries are presented here.

Mary Kept All These Things and Pondered Them in Her Heart (Luke 2:18–19), by Simon Dewey of London, England, acrylic on canvas. “Our firstborn son was both the inspiration and the model for this painting.”

Camp of Israel (D&C 136:2), by Harold I. Hopkinson of Byron, Wyoming, oil on canvas. “This work depicts the Lord’s directions for Israel’s movements to the tops of the everlasting hills in the mighty Rocky Mountains.”

Children Are a Heritage of the Lord (Ps. 127:3, 5), by VaLoy Eaton of Vernal, Utah, oil on canvas. “I wanted to express the innocence and exuberance of childhood in this painting of the first spring irrigation turn in an orchard.”

Teach a Child (Prov. 22:6), by Martha R. Harding of Alpine, Utah, oil on canvas. “Planting a garden with our children can teach basic principles such as following our modern prophets and observing the law of the harvest.”

Praise the Lord with Harp (Ps. 33:2; Ps. 150:6), by Suzanne Claveau of Forestville, Quebec, Canada, oil and acrylic on canvas. “We can praise God with our voices and other instruments we have created.”

Ready for the Covenant (Moro. 10:5), by Erick Duarte of Las Rosas, Guatemala, oil pastel on wooden panel. “The Guatemalan woman reading the book of Mormon has accepted its message. She awaits a visit from the missionaries, who can be seen through the window. The white birds signify the Holy Spirit.”

Christ’s Healing Touch (Luke 5:12–13), by David E. Garrison of Burlington, Iowa, oil on canvas. “During the time of Christ, lepers had to cover their mouths and keep their heads bare. The public stayed several feet away from them at all times. Christ, however, showed compassion to them.”