undefined undefined Traditions Worth Trying
Traditions Worth Trying
January 1995

“Traditions Worth Trying,” Ensign, Jan. 1995, 70

Traditions Worth Trying

On New Year’s Eve some people blow horns and throw confetti. Others make resolutions or at the year’s last minute watch a ball fall in Times Square. But this year why not create some additional New Year traditions for your own family? Here are four ideas:

  1. Family Top Ten. As a family, gather together to discuss the major family events of the past year. Include all types of events in your reminiscing—from the spiritual to the humorous. This can be a most enjoyable activity. For example, memories could range from when a son or daughter left to go on a mission to last summer’s family vacation when the car broke down. Some of the best memories are things that happen right at home.

    At the end of your reminiscing, make a list of the events you discuss, and then give a piece of paper to everyone in the family. Have each family member rank what he or she feels are the top ten events, starting with the most memorable event as number one. Tally the results. Descriptions of the winning events can be a great addition to a family journal or album.

  2. Famous Quotes. At the beginning of the year, place a canister with a slit in the top in a conspicuous place in the house. Throughout the year, when someone in the family says something endearing, humorous, or profound, write the saying on a piece of paper and slip it into the canister.

    On New Year’s Eve, open the canister and read aloud the notes as a family activity. You might even guess who said what. Save the quotes in a family journal or album.

  3. Spiritual Traditions. Review the family journal or suggested entries from individual journals in order to recall and then reverently share instances during the past year when family members felt they were guided by the Spirit.

  4. Plan Ahead. Take the time on New Year’s Day to mark for the whole calendar year the days your family will attend the temple. Setting aside the time to attend the temple will help ensure regular attendance throughout the coming year.—Lois Decker, Provo, Utah