undefined undefined Sharing Her Vision
Sharing Her Vision
July 1995

“Sharing Her Vision,” Ensign, July 1995, 69

Sharing Her Vision

Ten-year-old Brie Neipp wanted a dog. Eventually her desire for a canine pet motivated her to volunteer as a guide dog trainer for the blind. Over the past four years, Brie has worked with several different dogs. She receives a dog when it is about eight weeks old and keeps it for six to ten months, taking it everywhere. It’s not uncommon for members of the Branham Ward, San Jose California South Stake, to see a dog sitting quietly at Brie’s feet during Church meetings. The teenager also takes her dog to school, on the bus, and on shopping errands. “Basically we have to train them to be good citizens,” Brie says.

Brie herself had to attend several training sessions to qualify as a guide dog trainer. But nothing could train her for the moment when she turns the newly trained dog over to its new owner. “I’m usually so choked up I can’t talk,” she says. “But I really feel good about doing this. I know a blind person will love and appreciate this special dog. But it is hard to give them up.”—Beth Saville, San Jose, California