Prompted to Bring One More
December 1995

“Prompted to Bring One More,” Ensign, Dec. 1995, 57

Prompted to Bring One More

We can seldom foresee how the Lord will make us instruments in his hands. One year when my visiting teaching companion was out of town, my daughter Elizabeth went with me on my visits. It was Christmastime, so we baked cookies, wrapped them in cellophane, tied them with red ribbon, and attached a pine sprig. Then we put all these little gifts in a bag and had a prayer together. At the last minute I felt a strong prompting and slipped in an extra package of cookies.

After visiting several houses, we reached the home of a sister who lived with her married son and his family, all of whom were members. Another older woman, looking very tired, was there delivering clothing. Her name was Margarita, and she earned her living doing laundry by hand. Knowing what hard work that is, I handed her the other little parcel of cookies and wished her a merry Christmas. With tears in her eyes, she told me that she was completely alone and that this would be her only gift.

I spoke to her then about the Lord Jesus Christ and told her that if he is with us, we will not be lonely. I assured her that she was a daughter of God, who was loved by him just as an earthly father loves his children and that if she sought him, he would receive her with open arms. I told her many more things. Her face lit up, and she agreed to receive the missionaries.

The next month when we went to visit that house, Margarita was there again. She hugged us and said, “Now I can really call you sisters. I was baptized last week.”

  • Irma de MacKenna is the visiting teaching supervisor in the Quilpué Centro Ward, Quilpué Chile Stake.
