President Faust Rededicates Cannery
January 1996

“President Faust Rededicates Cannery,” Ensign, Jan. 1996, 77

President Faust Rededicates Cannery

After extensive renovation, a Church-owned cannery in Murray, Utah, was rededicated by President James E. Faust, Second Counselor in the First Presidency.

During his remarks, President Faust recalled his experience as president of the Cottonwood Stake and chairman of the Jordan Valley Regional Welfare Committee at the time the facility was first built. “We rejoiced that this facility was here,” he remembered.

President Faust spoke of the history of the Church’s welfare program and repeated the counsel of past Church leaders to store food and other necessities to see members through emergencies and difficult times. He also related how his own family spent part of their vacation at a Church cannery.

“We canned the basic essentials: beans, wheat, rice, powdered milk,” he said. “We got somewhere close to a year’s supply of those essentials for our extended family. Our sons-in-law thanked us. It gave them some comfort. But our grandchildren had the time of their lives. … For our family that was as fine a family activity as we’ve ever had.”

Also attending the rededication ceremonies were Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Elder Alexander B. Morrison of the Seventy and president of the Utah North Area, Presiding Bishop Merrill J. Bateman, and Relief Society General President Elaine L. Jack.

The Murray cannery was built in 1965, and an addition was built in 1972. In November, the facility was closed for renovation, which included a new setup to run cans, new continuous cookers, and other new equipment.

The cannery is one of eighty-four similar facilities that process about thirteen million cans of food a year; 75 percent of that food goes to bishops’ storehouses. Most of the work at the canneries is done by volunteers. Individuals and families are also encouraged to use the facilities to secure a year’s supply of some foods.

President Faust shares thoughts at rededication of Murray, Utah, cannery. (Photo by Tom Smart, courtesy of Deseret News.)
