Keepsake Calendar
January 1996

“Keepsake Calendar,” Ensign, Jan. 1996, 71

Keepsake Calendar

My brother and I compiled a family calendar as a meaningful fiftieth wedding anniversary gift for our parents, who were serving a mission in New Zealand.

January begins with a family photo of our extended family. Each following month features the photos of the family of one of the children and a letter from them to our parents. Other months feature a collection of family snapshots showing family members as children, teens, and young adults. We also included poems, recipes, and other treasures that are special to our family.

In the spaces for the days within each month, we listed important dates (birthdays, marriages, mission calls, deaths, etc.) for all our family members and for some of our ancestors as well.

After we compiled this information, we took it to our local copy shop and had it copied and spiral bound. We made enough copies for the entire family. A project that can be updated each year, this calendar has become a valuable keepsake and an important family record.—Ilona Nielsen, Bountiful, Utah
