“Contents,” Ensign, Mar. 1996, 1 Ensign March 1996 Volume 26 Number 3 Contents First Presidency Message: Formula for SuccessPresident Thomas S. Monson The Answer Was PeaceMarilyn J. Whipple Addresses from the Singles Satellite BroadcastA Vision of What We Can Be President James E. FaustBelonging to a Ward Family Elder Robert D. HalesGrounded, Settled, and Full of Hope President Elaine L. JackLet Us Be One Jeanie McAllisterA Single Parent, but Not Alone Sue Blunt Our Moral AgencyElder L. Lionel Kendrick Ghana—A Household of FaithDon L. Searle My Daughter, My Sister, My FriendJane McBride Choate “I Have Hope in the Future for Me”LaRene Porter Gaunt The Visiting Teacher: “Even As I Am” Our Secret for a Happy LifeErica Farr Diving Off WaikikiDebbie M. Hooge Working TogetherStephen C. Young Random Sampler Mormon Journal“I Think Shafer’s a Mormon” Vinny DiGirolamoI Tried to Quit Dozens of Times Shirley R. WarrenA Blessing for My Sister Rhett G. WintchThe Bishop and the Deacon Sherí Moore MarquezHolding onto the Savior Claudia Reeder WaltersHealed the Lord’s Way Irani Alves De Genaro Portraits I Have a Question: Counsel on disciplining childrenTerry Warner News of the Church On the cover: Photography by Steve Bunderson. Inside front cover: Abinadi Seals His Testimony, by Ronald K. Crosby, oil on board, 30″ x 40″, 1958. Courtesy of the artist. After giving a stirring testimony of Jesus Christ, Abinadi was sentenced to be slain. “They took him and bound him, and scourged his skin with faggots, yea, even unto death. … And … he fell, having suffered death by fire; yea, having been put to death because he would not deny the commandments of God, having sealed the truth of his words by his death” (Mosiah 17:13, 20). Inside back cover: The First Doll, by G. Magni, oil on canvas, 36″ x 28″. Donated to the Oakland Temple by Hope Naylor Bachman. “Live in peace; and the God of love and peace shall be with you” (2 Cor. 13:11). Painted in Florence, Italy, this scene of a happy family hangs in the Oakland Temple.