March 1996

“Comment,” Ensign, Mar. 1996, 80


The Privilege of Staying at Home

I wanted to write regarding “Finding My Happiness at Home” (Oct. 1995). Having had rewarding employment before becoming a “stay-at-home” mom, there were times I missed the positive strokes for work well done. Children can be quite mute when it comes to expressing appreciation for services rendered!

But when I remembered that my mom was always there when I got home and how much I appreciated it (though I never told her), I realized what a blessing it was that I could be at home for my children. My response to “Oh, you’re just a housewife” has become, “Yes, I’m so blessed. Many women don’t have that privilege.”

Jan Dickson
Hawthorne, California

Update on Stakes in Ireland

The Belfast Ireland Stake was created in 1974. The Dublin Ireland Stake, the first in the Republic of Ireland, was created in March 1995 (see Ensign, May 1995, p. 111).

Arranging Transportation

My wife, Trudy, and I are both blind and read with interest “Are Persons with Visual Impairments in Your Ward Being Helped?” in the June 1995 Comment section. We are happy to report that our ward has a ride coordinator who arranges transportation for members in our ward who are unable to drive. Trudy and I also have taken buses and taxis to our meetings as well. We have appreciated the support we have received from ward members and leaders; we have also grown personally by making our own transportation arrangements when others were unable to assist us.

Patrick A. Barrett
Minneapolis, Minnesota

A Hole-in-the-Rock Memory

It was inspiring to read through the pioneer-epic articles of the October 1995 issue. It is good to be so beautifully reminded of those great people who were so dedicated to the call of the prophets and did so much for us.

One of the most striking articles was the one on Hole-in-the-Rock. For the past 20 years I have taken groups of Scouts and their leaders to that area as a hike director. Each time the wonderment has always been overwhelming to me.

Your article is now cherished and placed in my records as a wonderful addition to my Hole-in-the-Rock memories.

Leon R. Seifert
Ogden, Utah

Widespread Support

While traveling to Provo on April 1 to spend the afternoon with my daughter, I listened to the Saturday morning session of general conference. As I listened to the proceedings, the solemn assembly was in progress. At one point the general membership of the Church was asked to sustain the Church leaders. Inside my car I raised my hand.

As I raised my hand in support, I was surprised to see a group of couples riding motorcycles in front of me raise their hands also. As I drove by, I noticed that under their helmets they were all wearing earphones. It brought tears to my eyes.

Lynn Barlow
Salt Lake City, Utah
