Healed the Lord’s Way
March 1996

“Healed the Lord’s Way,” Ensign, Mar. 1996, 68–69

Healed the Lord’s Way

When I developed a severe ache in my back, I thought the pain was normal—related to my usual back problems—and would soon go away. But the pain did not stop, and it seemed to be getting worse. I decided to see a doctor in São Paulo, Brazil, where we were living while my husband served as mission president.

After I explained my symptoms, the doctor decided to take X rays. While examining the X rays, he noticed a strange spot and said, “We have something different here, probably nothing of importance. I would, however, like to have you see another doctor for more extensive tests.”

He then sent me to a specialist who, after extensive testing, found a large benign tumor between my lungs. He wanted to schedule surgery immediately, but I refused because I felt the Lord would heal me if I just had enough faith.

Believing I would be healed, I told the specialist I would return in a month to see if the tumor was still there. During that month, my family and I fasted and prayed, asking for Heavenly Father’s blessing to rid me of the tumor.

When I returned for my examination, the X-ray photos were blurred. Wanting to give the Lord plenty of time to heal me, I asked the doctor for an additional thirty days; I would have another full examination at the end of that time. The doctor again postponed scheduling the needed surgery.

After thirty days had passed, I underwent more tests. When the doctor was finished, I stated calmly, “It’s gone, isn’t it?”

Sadly, he answered, “It is not.”

All I could do was cry. The tumor was even larger than it had been two months earlier. I could not understand why the Lord had not responded to my faithful prayers for help and healing. The doctor scheduled the necessary surgery, and the tumor was successfully removed.

Gradually, as I have pondered that experience, I have come to realize that the Lord did love me and watch over me, but in his way, not mine. I also understand how fortunate I was to sense something wrong and have the tumor removed before it could grow around my heart or into my lungs. I came to see that God is mindful of each of us and cares about our welfare.

  • Irani Alves De Genaro serves as a Relief Society teacher and teacher development coordinator in the Trujilo Ward, Sorocaba Brazil Stake.

Illustrated by Robert A. McKay