undefined undefined A Song and a Prayer
A Song and a Prayer
January 1997

“A Song and a Prayer,” Ensign, Jan. 1997, 61–62

A Song and a Prayer

As the announcements were read in sacrament meeting, my mind drifted to thoughts of the Relief Society lesson for that day. I picked up my lesson manual, glanced at the week’s lesson title, and froze. The teacher had asked me to sing the closing song as part of her lesson, but I had completely forgotten. I had no music with me, I had no one to play accompaniment for me, and I had not practiced. How could I have let this happen?

My mind began to race. My daughter was an excellent accompanist, but I couldn’t ask her to play on such short notice. Who else could play for me? Could I run home to get the music? Would I even get a chance to practice the song?

As such thoughts darted through my mind, I closed my eyes and apologized to Father in Heaven for being so busy that I had forgotten his work. While I sat there feeling terrible, an idea came to me. Perhaps the library or the Young Women closet had a copy of the music. Then another idea came. I thought of one sister who might have played the song before. Feeling a little reassured, I was able to relax and concentrate on the rest of sacrament meeting.

When sacrament meeting was over, I asked my daughter if there was a copy of the songbook I needed in the Young Women closet. “Yes,” she answered, and in the closet she found the music book under a stack of papers. However, the music was written in a difficult key, and she was reluctant to accompany me on such short notice.

Realizing I might have to sing the song a capella, I headed toward the Relief Society room to review the song before Sunday School began. But when I turned the corner, I saw the sister who may have played the song before.

“Have you ever played this song?” I asked. She looked at the music, and I explained my dilemma. Her response was unhesitating: “I haven’t played it before, but maybe we can find a piano that isn’t being used and try it together.”

Surprisingly, the Relief Society room was empty, and we were able to practice the song together.

Because of this gracious sister and a forgiving Heavenly Father, I was able to sing the closing song in Relief Society that day. I was humbled to realize that though I had forgotten my commitments, the way was opened for me to carry out my responsibilities.

  • Janet Kruckenberg of the Wahpeton Branch serves as a stake missionary in the Fargo North Dakota Stake.