I Prayed to See My Son
January 1997

“I Prayed to See My Son,” Ensign, Jan. 1997, 62

I Prayed to See My Son

At age 13 our precious son was taken from the earth, struck down and killed in front of our house by an intoxicated driver. This tragedy left us with a crushing sense of loss.

One evening in the quiet dark of our home, I poured out my heart to Heavenly Father. Like many other times during that period of grief, I pleaded for the assurance that Jared was all right—even that I might see him. I also expressed my great desire that Jared know how much I love and miss him. Copious tears flowed down my cheeks, and I felt again the fear that gripped me when I’d learned of his death.

Loving friends told me that my faith would sustain me and that I should wait on the Lord and accept his will in this matter. Perhaps, they suggested, Jared couldn’t come to me. They encouraged me to trust in the Lord.

Turning to the scriptures for comfort, I came upon a scripture that seemed to jump out at me. It changed my life. In a revelation directed to Emma Smith, the Lord said, “Murmur not because of the things which thou hast not seen, for they are withheld from thee and from the world, which is wisdom in me in a time to come” (D&C 25:4).

As I read those words, my heart was pierced with the certain knowledge that Father in Heaven knew of my deepest desires and that in time all would be well. One day I would indeed see my son again, in the Lord’s due time. While attending the temple soon thereafter, I gave thanks for the comfort I had received and felt strongly of my son’s love for me. I realized then that my son knew how much I love and miss him.

I am grateful for the comfort I received in my time of need and for the trust we all can place in the Lord’s “wisdom … in a time to come” (D&C 25:4).

  • Joselli K. See serves as Relief Society Spiritual Living teacher in the South Shore Ward, Friendswood Texas Stake.
