undefined undefined In the Spotlight
In the Spotlight
January 1997

“In the Spotlight,” Ensign, Jan. 1997, 69

In the Spotlight

  • Wen Tsung Chou, president of the Taichung Taiwan Stake, received his country’s annual Best Service Enterprise award on behalf of Hi-Con Chemical Admixture Taiwan Ltd., of which he is president. Cosponsored by the Republic of China’s Association of Service Industry Quality Development and Ministry of Economic Affairs and Taiwan’s Department of Reconstruction, the award was presented by the president of Taiwan.

  • La Viece Smallwood of the Macclenny Ward, Lake City Florida Stake, recently retired from writing “Out on a Limb,” a long-running newspaper column about family history. She was honored with an Award of Merit from the National Genealogical Society. She is also appreciated by her community for organizing a yearly Christmas parade and participating in other community projects.

  • Thomas B. Griffith has been appointed as chief legal counsel for the United States Senate. His new position involves defending senators and senatorial committees, officers, and employees from civil suits related to official work. He is a member of the Leesburg Ward, Warrenton Virginia Stake.

  • James B. Conkling of the Roseville Fourth Ward, Roseville California Stake, was given the President’s Merit Award by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. His music industry career includes serving as the first president of Warner Brother Records. Proceeds from the award ceremony held at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California, were donated to the Alzheimer’s Association in honor of Brother Conkling, who suffers from the disease.