undefined undefined Our Sunday Question Can
Our Sunday Question Can
January 1997

“Our Sunday Question Can,” Ensign, Jan. 1997, 71

Our Sunday Question Can

Each Sunday we bring our “Sunday can” to the dinner table. This can contains gospel questions that family members have thought of during the previous week. At dinnertime, the questions are pulled from the can and read out loud, and as a family we try to answer them. Some of these questions have included: Why can’t we wear shorts at church? Why do the deacons wear white shirts to pass the sacrament? What are temples for?

Questions can be written down and placed in the can during family home evening or any other time. This idea has been a blessing in our home and has brought wonderful moments of spiritual learning for us as parents as well as for our children. Sometimes our discussions last for the entire meal.

Our “Sunday can” helps invite the Spirit into our home as we assemble together and “instruct and edify each other” (D&C 43:8) by discussing a variety of gospel-related questions.—Ann W. Roe, Kearns, Utah