A Truly Blessed Wife
September 1997

“A Truly Blessed Wife,” Ensign, Sept. 1997, 61–62

A Truly Blessed Wife

My husband, Floyd, was released after serving as stake president for nearly a decade. Certainly, being the wife of a dedicated Church leader can be a challenge. There are times when both have to make sacrifices in order to serve the Lord and help meet members’ needs. And every Church leader’s wife knows he can’t always be home as often as she and the children would like.

But despite its challenges, my husband’s calling brought us many blessings. This poem, which I wrote at the time of his release, expresses my feelings about his efforts to serve the Lord:

He may not take me dancing every Friday night,

But he takes me to the temple and helps me do what’s right.

He may not always whisper sweet nothings in my ear,

But when he prays to Heavenly Father, I feel His presence near.

He may not read Elizabeth Browning’s poetry to me,

But he always reads the scriptures with our dear family.

He may not give me diamond tiaras to adorn my hair,

But he places pure hands upon my head and blesses me with care.

I may not always be the first in his thoughts or in his life,

But being second to God makes me truly a blessed wife.

  • Lola Nicol Warren teaches Relief Society in the Loma Rica Ward, Yuba City California Stake.
