I Caught Myself Singing
September 1997

“I Caught Myself Singing,” Ensign, Sept. 1997, 61

I Caught Myself Singing

Often the Lord sends us glistening blessings in the love and support of other people. One night, when I was experiencing a spiritual “low,” with laundry, piano lessons, and children’s quarrels assuming a disproportionate magnitude, I knelt and tearfully pleaded with the Lord for perspective and help.

A few minutes later, a friend of mine telephoned. She had been wrestling with a personal problem and was also discouraged. Though neither one of us came up with a satisfactory solution to the other’s problems, we enjoyed our brief chat.

However, a half hour later, I caught myself singing. With a start, I realized that my burden had been lifted. My friend later told me that she too had felt relief after our conversation. Though none of our problems had been fully solved, the Lord had helped each of us to derive strength from the other.

  • Betty Jan Murphy serves as teacher development leader in the Tanque Verde Ward, Tucson Arizona Rincon Stake.
