undefined undefined Members Invited to Submit Music
Members Invited to Submit Music
September 1997

“Members Invited to Submit Music,” Ensign, Sept. 1997, 80

Members Invited to Submit Music

To encourage musical talent and bring new musical works to light, the Church annually invites members to submit original children’s songs, hymns, anthems, hymn arrangements, and instrumentals.

Submissions are reviewed for artistic merit, usefulness for home or church, general appeal, ease of performance, originality, quality of text, and compatibility of music to text. Awards in various dollar amounts are given.

Entries for the next submission must be postmarked by 31 March 1998. For more information about rules and categories, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Church Music Submission, 20th Floor, 50 East North Temple Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84150-5460, U.S.A.