April 1999

“Contents,” Ensign, Apr. 1999, 1


April 1999

Volume 29 Number 4

On the covers: Front: Our Savior, by David Lindsley, oil on canvas, 24″ x 30″, 1998. Back: Jesus Goes Out to Bethany, by James Tissot (1836–1902), gouache on paper board, 7′ x 11′. Original art at the Brooklyn Museum.

Inside front: Lands of the Dead, by R. Todd Stilson, oil on panel, 15″ x 11″, 1995. Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art. As in mortality, so is it beyond the veil, for as President Joseph F. Smith recorded, messengers in the spirit world are “clothed with power and authority, and commissioned … to go forth and carry the light of the gospel to them that [are] in darkness, even to all the spirits of men; and thus [is] the gospel preached to the dead” (D&C 138:30).

Inside back: Missouri Burning, by Glen S. Hopkinson, oil on canvas, 40″ x 30″, 1998. This painting depicts events that occurred on 20 July 1833 in Independence, Missouri. Mobbers set fire to the Church’s printing establishment, which was home to W. W. Phelps, and later that day beat, tarred, and feathered Bishop Edward Partridge and Church member Charles Allen. Today, more than 165 years later, Church members and Missouri citizens enjoy impressive friendship and understanding.
