1999 Church Pageant Schedule
April 1999

“1999 Church Pageant Schedule,” Ensign, Apr. 1999, 79

1999 Church Pageant Schedule

Following are the 1999 performance dates and locations of Church pageants. All pageants are free of charge. Except as noted below, pageants start at dusk, last about an hour, and do not require tickets. For more information, call the pageant hotline at 1-800-453-3860, extension 7800.

27, 30–31 March, 1–3 April, Mesa, Arizona—Jesus the Christ, Arizona Temple grounds. The first performance is in Spanish.

17–19, 22–26 June, Manti, Utah—Mormon Miracle, Manti Temple grounds.

9–10, 13–17 July, near Palmyra, New York—America’s Witness for Christ, Hill Cumorah.

13–15, 17, 20–24, 27–31 July, Oakland, California—And It Came to Pass, Oakland Temple interstake center. Daily performances begin at 8:00 P.M. except on the Saturdays of 24 and 31 July, when performances begin at 2:00 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. Free tickets may be obtained by calling 1-510-657-4409.

29–31 July, 3–7 August, Castle Dale, Utah—Castle Valley Pageant, Mountain Amphitheater.

30–31 July, 3–7 August, Nauvoo, Illinois—City of Joseph, hillside adjacent to Nauvoo Visitors’ Center.

13–14, 17–21, 24–28 August, Clarkston, Utah—Martin Harris, the Man Who Knew, amphitheater adjacent to the Clarkston Cemetery. Free tickets may be obtained by writing to P.O. Box 151, Clarkston, UT 84305.

18–25 December, Calgary, Alberta—Calgary Nativity Pageant, Heritage Park.

A scene from the Castle Dale, Utah, pageant. (Photo by Shaun Stahle/Church News.)
