Dinnertime Home Evenings
December 1999

“Dinnertime Home Evenings,” Ensign, Dec. 1999, 64

Dinnertime Home Evenings

Two family home evenings stand out as special to our family. The first was held one winter evening when we used only our woodstove, candles, and oil lamps to heat and light the house. We determined no electricity would be used. For dinner we wrapped food in foil and cooked it in the wood-burning stove while we talked and told stories in front of the fire. As a result of that night’s activity, our children better appreciated why people who lived in earlier times read by candlelight and went to bed early. They also realized what a blessing electricity is in our lives and took an interest in helping us plan our emergency storage supplies of matches, candles, and oil for the lamps.

Our other favorite family home evening activity, which we often do, begins by giving each of our children one dollar to buy something for dinner that all could share. Our only rule is that it cannot be a dessert. What a fun challenge! The children study the supermarket ad carefully, then split up to go hunting for bargains. Our children have bought fresh salad, broccoli, meat pies, burritos, and other delicious foods. We spread out a clean tablecloth on the front room floor and eat our meal picnic style for added fun.—Deanna LeBaron, Orem, Utah

Illustrated by Joe Flores
