February 2000

“Contents,” Ensign, Feb. 2000, 1


February 2000

Volume 30 Number 2

On the covers: Front and back: Joseph and Hyrum, by Kenneth A. Corbett, oil on canvas, 24″ x 30″, 1996. Courtesy of Robert Corbett. The Prophet Joseph Smith, left, and his brother Hyrum, five years older, were known by all to be close and loyal to each other. “In life they were not divided, and in death they were not separated,” Elder John Taylor wrote of the Prophet Joseph and Hyrum, Assistant President and Patriarch to the Church (D&C 135:3). This year marks 200 years since Hyrum Smith’s birth on 9 February 1800.

Inside front: Upper City Creek Mill, by Al Rounds, watercolor on paper, 18″ x 31″, 1993. A view from northeast of the Salt Lake Temple as it would have appeared in 1893. City Creek, shown in foreground, was used to power various mills along its banks. One of these mills furnished power to operate a blacksmith shop in which tools were made and sharpened for use in building the temple.

Inside back: King Benjamin Confers the Kingdom on Mosiah, by Robert T. Barrett, oil on canvas, 33″ x 26″, 1999. After delivering a great address on following the ways of God to his people in Zarahemla, King Benjamin “consecrated his son Mosiah to be a ruler and a king over his people, and [gave] him all the charges concerning the kingdom” (Mosiah 6:3).
