undefined undefined New Temples Booklet
New Temples Booklet
February 2000

“New Temples Booklet,” Ensign, Feb. 2000, 78

New Temples Booklet

“One of the distinctive doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is its teaching concerning the great significance of temples and the lasting consequences of what occurs there,” states the introduction to the Church’s new Temples booklet (item no. 02358), which replaces an earlier version. “This booklet is published to provide helpful information about temples and their overarching importance to members of the Church.”

With 80 pages of full-color photos and illustrations, the booklet features articles by General Authorities on topics ranging from the purpose and history of temples to the doctrines of salvation for the dead. Articles also include personal accounts of the impact of temple service, temple perspectives for children and youth, and answers to commonly asked questions about the temple. Copies of the new Temples booklet may be purchased through Church distribution centers.