Follow the Prophet and Strengthen the Youth
March 2001

“Follow the Prophet and Strengthen the Youth,” Ensign, Mar. 2001, 68

Follow the Prophet and Strengthen the Youth

In a remarkable and historic meeting held on 12 November 2000 in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, President Gordon B. Hinckley spoke in a fireside especially for the youth of the Church. As the meeting began, those assembled in meetinghouses and homes throughout the world united in singing “We thank thee, O God, for a prophet to guide us in these latter days” (Hymns, no. 19). And guide, even pray for us, he did. In words clear and inspiring, our prophet instructed us regarding standards for Latter-day Saints. What a tremendous blessing is ours to have a prophet who knows, understands, and cares about youth!

Young Women presidencies and advisers can now turn their attention to supporting President Hinckley’s message. Consider the following ideas as you plan to follow the prophet and strengthen the youth under your leadership:

• Discuss President Hinckley’s teachings in your presidency meetings and ward or branch councils. Remember the prophet’s message concerning youth, and consider how you can involve and support parents (see “‘Great Shall Be the Peace of Thy Children,’” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 50–53; “Your Greatest Challenge, Mother,” Ensign, Nov. 2000, 97–100). Including parents in your efforts will be a great blessing.

• Help the young women respect and honor the prophet and his message through your daily example and the many formal and informal teaching opportunities available to you. Help them have a desire to follow his six “B’s.”

• Consider assigning youth to give talks during Mutual or Sunday opening exercises focusing on President Hinckley’s talk. In planning Mutual and other events, study his prophetic counsel and then help the youth understand how to apply it in their lives.

As we help young women live the prophet’s teachings, Heavenly Father will know that we truly are thankful “for a prophet to guide us in these latter days.”

Photo by Jed Clark
