undefined undefined Preparing Children for Baptism
Preparing Children for Baptism
August 2001

“Preparing Children for Baptism,” Ensign, Aug. 2001, 68

Preparing Children for Baptism

When our oldest child was seven, we were anxious to help prepare him to make sacred covenants with his Heavenly Father by being baptized and confirmed. My husband decided to use the missionary discussions to teach him about the principles of the gospel and the covenants made at baptism. My husband purchased a set of missionary discussions and taught one every few weeks during family home evening. We were all blessed by this because the discussions are brimming with information, and we felt the special spirit that accompanies their message. We have continued the tradition of using the discussions to prepare all our children for baptism, confirmation, and a love of missionary work.

When our oldest son turned 16, he taught his seven-year-old brother the missionary discussions the same way we had been doing it as a family. His experience teaching his brother has increased his desire to serve a mission, and making the missionary discussions part of our home has helped all our testimonies to grow.—Carolyn M. Roche, Green Valley Fourth Ward, St. George Utah Green Valley Stake