“Contents,” Ensign, Oct. 2001, 1 Ensign October 2001 Volume 31, Number 10 Contents First Presidency Message: Hallmarks of a Happy Home President Thomas S. Monson Latter-day Prophets Speak: Strengthening the Home Testifying of the Great and Glorious Atonement Elder Neal A. Maxwell And Now He Needed Me? Name Withheld “Not for the Body” Elder Harold G. Hillam Gospel Classics: Developing Character: Insights from President David O. McKay (1873–1970) Strength During Struggles Elder L. Lionel Kendrick Easing the Burdens of Mental Illness Dawn and Jay Fox Thomas E. Ricks: A Man of Foresight Sturdy Shoes and a Waterproof Tent William G. Hartley Serving to the End Kjirstin Youngberg Cultivating Respect Terrance D. Olson Will You? Implementing the Mission of the Church V. Dallas Merrell Visiting Teaching Message: Safety in Keeping Divine Covenants On-Site: Welfare Square: Service by the Bottle and Loaf Latter-day Saint Voices What I Learned at Carthage Wayne F. Hull “I Found Them!” Madeleine Kurtz “Give Us a Blessing!” Lesly Augusto Tobar Correa Surrounded by Swearing Douglas J. Vermeeren Rescued from the Darkness Heri Castro Veliz Random Sampler Speaking Today: Remarks at Pioneer Day Commemoration Concert President Gordon B. Hinckley Saints In: Vanuatu News of the Church Making the Most of This Issue On the covers: Front and back: Photography by Steve Bunderson. Inside front: Coming of the Gulls, by Goff Dowding, oil on canvas, 30″ x 40″, 1947. Courtesy of Museum of Church History and Art. In the early summer of 1848, as pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley were struggling to raise their crops, a pestilence of insects dubbed “Mormon crickets” began laying waste to their fields. Fires, trenches filled with water, and attacks with brooms and clubs could not stop the hordes of insects. The pioneers’ deliverance came as flocks of seagulls arrived to devour the crickets. The work of the gulls went on for days, and the crops were saved. Inside back: The Brother of Jared, by Del Parson, oil on canvas, 18″ x 24″, 1996.