“From Your Meetinghouse to Your Home,” Ensign, Jan. 2003, 69
From Your Meetinghouse to Your Home
Many families have discovered how useful the resources in their meetinghouse library can be in teaching gospel basics in the home. They check out materials from the library to enhance family scripture study and family home evening lessons. Following are some items to enhance gospel instruction.
Videocassettes. One videocassette available in the meetinghouse library is Book of Mormon Stories. It is a companion to the Book of Mormon Stories reader and teaches children about Book of Mormon prophets and events. For example, parents might show the segment on “Abinadi and King Noah” as part of family scripture study. They could then talk with their children about Abinadi’s great faith and courage and ask how we can show this kind of faith and courage today. Finally, they could read from the Book of Mormon and testify how the story of Abinadi can open our hearts to the Holy Spirit as Alma’s heart was opened by Abinadi’s teachings.
Pictures. Many families also use gospel-oriented pictures available in the meetinghouse library. For example, a lesson on the Book of Mormon could be enhanced by showing the pictures “Moroni Hides the Plates in the Hill Cumorah” and “Joseph Receives the Gold Plates,” then discussing Moroni’s role in bringing forth this sacred record. Both of these pictures are part of the Gospel Art Picture Kit.
In preparation for general conference, one family checked out pictures of the General Authorities. The family then learned about these leaders during several family home evenings.
Books. The meetinghouse library has a variety of books on topics such as the priesthood, temple and family history work, Church history, and teaching.
Church leaders have repeatedly emphasized that the home is the most important place to teach gospel principles. In a letter to members, the First Presidency said: “We call upon parents to devote their best efforts to the teaching and rearing of their children in gospel principles. … The home is the basis of a righteous life, and no other instrumentality can take its place … in carrying forward this God-given responsibility” (11 Feb. 1999). The materials available in meetinghouse libraries can help families live the gospel more fully.—Jeff Orr, Lakeridge 14th Ward, Orem Utah Lakeridge North Stake
Illustration by Beth Whittaker