“Church Seeks Cultural Arts Submissions,” Ensign, June 2004, 77
Church Seeks Cultural Arts Submissions
As part of the Church’s encouragement that wards, branches, stakes, and districts plan and participate in more cultural events such as dramas and dance and music festivals, the Church’s Music and Cultural Arts Division is accepting cultural arts submissions from Church members.
By creating a year-round submission process, the division hopes to accomplish two goals: to awaken members’ creative talents by providing an outlet for devoted artistic expression and to share gospel-oriented works with other Church units as they plan similar activities. The ultimate goal is that Church members will be strengthened in the gospel and unified in fellowship through planning and performing cultural arts activities.
“The cultural arts have been part of the Church for a long time,” said David Warner, director of the Music and Cultural Arts Division. “They can draw people closer to the gospel.”
Selected submissions will be performed—some in an abbreviated form—in the Conference Center Theater in the days leading up to October general conference. While the division will accept submissions year-round, the deadline to be considered for the October presentation is April 1 of the same year. Entrants will be notified in August if their submission has been selected.
Plays, musicals, readers’ theaters, oratorios, and poetry are welcome. Entries should be suitable for ward/branch or stake/district use, teach gospel principles in uplifting ways, be doctrinally correct, and be Church-oriented and accurate if historically based. Scripts should be a minimum of one act long. Submissions are welcome in all languages.
Submissions should include:
Two copies of the entry and any applicable music on 8 1/2 x 11 inch (22 x 28 cm) paper.
A statement signed by all contributors that says, “The work submitted, entitled ________ , is my original work, is owned by me, and conforms to the submission rules.”
A cover letter with the piece’s title; author’s name, address, phone number, and e-mail address; central theme; synopsis; and cast requirements.
The names of all contributors should appear on the cover letter, entry, and signed statement. Authors of productions accepted by the committee may be asked to grant the Church a nonexclusive, perpetual license for unlimited use.
Send submissions to: Church Theatrical Script Submission, 50 East North Temple Street, Room 2082, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84150-6070, USA. For more information, call 1-801-240-6492.
The Church is seeking scripts for dramatic and musical productions. This musical was part of the cultural celebration held in conjunction with the Anchorage Alaska Temple rededication. (Photograph by Lynn Howlett.)