undefined undefined Contents
July 2004

“Contents,” Ensign, July 2004, 1


July 2004

Volume 34, Number 7

Covers: Photography by Don L. Searle

Inside front cover: The Beautiful, by Al Rounds. Today, as in 1846, a temple overlooks Nauvoo, the “City Beautiful.” Built on the site of the destroyed Nauvoo Temple, the Nauvoo Illinois Temple was dedicated in June 2002 by President Gordon B. Hinckley.

Inside back cover: Crossing the Sweetwater, by David Koch. In 1856 J. D. T. McAllister wrote a happy tune for the handcart pioneers: “For some must push and some must pull, / As we go marching up the hill; / So merrily on our way we go / Until we reach the Valleyo” (Children’s Songbook, 220). Here pioneers cross the Sweetwater River. (Courtesy of Walt and Katie Gasser, may not be copied.)