Summer Surprise Days
July 2004

“Summer Surprise Days,” Ensign, July 2004, 66

Summer Surprise Days

During the summer before the birth of our fifth child, my husband was going to school and money was tight. Despite our busy lives, we felt it important to spend time together as a family every week. To save money and to provide some variety in our family outings, I began a weekly activity called “surprise day.”

One day a week we planned a surprise activity for our children. Half of their excitement came from anticipating what we were going to do. We have done numerous activities; here are a few that may work for your family:

  • Fish at a trout farm.

  • Make gingerbread (graham cracker) houses.

  • Ride the public bus system to a park and feed the ducks.

  • Create a village of houses in your backyard with cardboard boxes (check appliance and grocery stores for discarded boxes).

  • Visit the zoo.

  • Go bowling.

  • Go on a treasure hunt.

  • Go to the library and help each child check out a book.

  • “Kidnap” Grandma and take her to get a treat.

When we drive to our activity, my husband loves to travel a different route while the children try to figure out where we are going. We have had many summers of these weekly adventures, and the excitement is still there for our children. Surprise days have been fun, can be inexpensive, and have allowed us to spend time together in unforgettable ways.

Debbie Lewis, Marriott Ward, Ogden Utah Mount Fort Stake

Illustrated by Joe Flores
