undefined undefined Comment
January 2005

“Comment,” Ensign, Jan. 2005, 79


Social Issues

Thank you for the excellent articles you have recently published on social issues. Your willingness to address these issues is commended. I am particularly referring to “Raising a Child with a Disability” by Marleen S. Williams (October 2004). As the parent of a disabled child, I can identify with all of the points she so clearly makes.

I would also like to thank you for the September 2004 article, “Compassion for Those Who Struggle.” What a sensitive topic, one that should not be swept under the table but met openly with compassion. These articles and others reaffirm my understanding of Heavenly Father’s love for all of us.
Ruth M. Workman, Lake Herman Ward, Napa California Stake

Ensign Pronunciation

I work in the Ogden Distribution Center, and we carry the Ensign magazine for sale. People so often call it the Ensun that I would encourage you to put the correct pronunciation in the front of the magazine again.
Linda Pfaff, Riverdale Third Ward, Riverdale Utah Stake

Editor’s note: Sister Pfaff is correct. The name of this magazine is pronounced en-sine, not en-sun or en-zine.


I just finished reading the article “Raising a Child with a Disability” in the October 2004 issue, and I can’t begin to tell you how wonderful it was. I have an autistic child, and often I feel so alone. It was helpful to read about the struggles others have had and to know that I am not alone. Many times my faith has kept me going when things have been tough. I am so grateful you chose to include this article, and I hope it helps parents of disabled children know what special spirits they have been entrusted with. Thank you.
Danielle Masters, Cleveland First Ward, Cleveland Ohio Stake

We All Struggle

The article “Compassion for Those Who Struggle” in the September 2004 issue has helped me to understand the challenge of one who is tempted by same-sex attraction. I have been upset by recent articles in national magazines that mentioned the struggles of Latter-day Saints who face this particular challenge. Some of those articles have implied that the individual’s membership in the Church is the root cause for his or her damaged self-worth.

How enlightening and how encouraging it is to read of Church members who are faced with this challenge but are willing to choose the higher path and live the gospel faithfully. I do not personally know any individuals with this challenge, but I felt that this article was universal to all of us because we all deal with weaknesses and we all need to feel the compassion of those around us.
Alice Quan, Victoria First (English) Branch, Hong Kong International District

A Sense of Heritage

As a new sister missionary, my life is busy and full of learning, but when we received the October 2004 Ensign from the mission office I wanted to find time to read it. Finally, one night before bedtime I opened it and turned the pages until I came to the story “You Taught Me,” by Vinita R. Greer. I paused to read this article, and you can imagine my surprise when I came across “Steeleville, Illinois.” That is my hometown! A smile came to my face and warmth to my heart.

As a convert to the Church, I have often felt that I have no heritage—I am the only member in my family. But Sister Greer’s story of her introduction to the Church in my hometown gave me that sense of heritage. Our branch is small but powerful, and that great spirit Sister Greer felt is still there in the Steeleville Branch. I’m proud to be from that small town with the big spirit.
Sister Amy Gooden, California Long Beach Mission