March 2005

“Comment,” Ensign, Mar. 2005, 79


My Choice

When I received the December Ensign, for some reason I couldn’t put it down to go to bed. The past month or so I have been having a difficult time with a very tough and personal decision I made three and a half years ago. After reading “My Daughter’s Choice,” I knew why I couldn’t go to bed tonight. I wasn’t 18 when I found myself with an unexpected pregnancy. I was 25. And if I didn’t know better, I would say this was my story. It will soon be three years since I have seen my daughter, and even though I know I placed her for adoption for all the right reasons, sometimes I lose sight of the Master’s plan and wish I had my sweet daughter back. The excerpt from the father’s letter telling his grandson why his mother placed him for adoption expressed my exact reasons for placing my baby girl for adoption. Thank you so much for publishing the article, because it came at a time when I really needed it.
Name Withheld

Worth of a Photo

Thanks for the photograph of President Hinckley, Elder Uchtdorf, and Elder Bednar on the cover of the November 2004 issue. Sometimes a picture is worth 1,000 sermons.
Jeanine Tew, Valley View Fourth Ward, Salt Lake Valley View Stake


The painting of Mary on the inside front cover of the December 2004 Ensign is beautiful and magnificent. Thanks to James C. Christensen.
Samuel Drinkwater, San Antonio Eighth Ward, San Antonio Texas North Stake
