October 2005

“Comment,” Ensign, Oct. 2005, 79


A Sacred Gift

Thank you for your July 2005 article “The Body, a Sacred Gift.” For more than seven years an eating disorder has been the lens through which I see my body. My battle to turn to the Lord and the healing power of the Atonement was considerably aided by your article and its timing. I appreciate your constant sensitivity to today’s problems and your courage in addressing them.
Name Withheld

“Strengthening Future Mothers”

I am currently serving as a bishop, and I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated the article “Strengthening Future Mothers” in the June 2005 Ensign. We have had discussions about this article in our ward, and it has had a beneficial impact here. I appreciate the tone of the article and the specific messages it presented.
James N. Ricks, Highland 21st Ward, Highland Utah South Stake

Inner City Hope

I want to thank you for the article “Building Hope in the Inner City” (Aug. 2005). I was born and raised in East St. Louis, and the article gave me hope for the city. My family moved out of East St. Louis in the early ’70s. I joined the Church with my husband in 1979 in Minnesota. The article made me proud to have been from East St. Louis. I hope I will be able to visit and see the chapel there.
Cathy Whiteside Johnson, Pietown Branch, Eagar Arizona Stake

Shayla’s Helper

Thank you so much for the inspirational article on helping children with special needs in your August issue (“Embracing Members with Special Needs”). I have been called to be “Shayla’s helper” during Primary, and it is the most humbling calling I have ever held. Shayla has many health problems and is in a wheelchair. My being Shayla’s helper allows her mother and father to have their own callings because Shayla needs constant care. Sometimes when Shayla is ill and not able to go to church, I go to her home after sacrament meeting to be with her so her mother and father can attend their meetings.

Shayla is an amazing daughter of God, and He loves her so much. Shayla’s Primary class includes her in activities during class time and Sharing Time. It is wonderful to see how kind and loving the other children are toward her. Without knowing it, Shayla teaches others about compassion, patience, long-suffering, and other virtues needed in this earth life.

Your article inspired me to try to do more for Shayla. She has taught me so much, and I love her as my own.
Annette Tucker-Matkin, River Fifth Ward, South Jordan Utah River Stake
