“Family Home Evening Helps: Book of Mormon Stories,” Ensign, Oct. 2005, 71
Family Home Evening Helps: Book of Mormon Stories
A few years ago we sharpened our family home evening focus to concentrate on the scriptures. Because we have young children, we decided to use what is now titled Book of Mormon Stories, an illustrated scripture reader available at Church distribution centers. To begin, my husband and I made a list of all the chapter titles. Then we reviewed the list and chose a gospel principle relating to each story. A quick search on the Church’s Web site at www.lds.org produced several Church magazine articles and Primary sharing time lessons that we could use to supplement each principle. Even without Internet access, you can simply use several of the book’s supplemental features—maps, glossaries, and a time line of events—to enhance your lessons. Illustrated stories can also be found in the Friend magazine.
To organize the information we gathered, we made a simple schedule that shows at a glance which principle to focus on, which story to share, and where to find additional lesson material. Our schedule fits neatly in our family home evening binder, so family members know where to find it when it’s their turn to teach.
As we have studied together, not only have we learned the scriptural accounts more thoroughly, but we have also learned to apply the gospel principles taught in them.
Laura Erasmus, McKenzie Ward, Calgary Alberta South Stake
Editor’s Note: Book of Mormon Stories (item no. 35666000; U.S. $6.00) is available online at www.ldscatalog.com or by calling 1-800-537-5971 within the United States and Canada. A variety of printed languages and audiovisual options are available.
Illustrated by Beth Whittaker