March 2006

“Comment,” Ensign, Mar. 2006, 79


A Happy Gathering

The article “A Happy Gathering of Sisters” (Jan. 2006) was a real treat. It reminded me of the many reasons why I love Relief Society. I was converted at the age of 14 in the Philippines. I still remember the classes I attended, the teachers we had, and their beautiful lessons. My insights, values, and convictions came from consistent attendance in those classes. I soon became a teacher myself. I live in California now, away from home, but I still teach the Relief Society class once a month. I feel it is a special calling that the Lord has asked me to fulfill, and I love it.

There is so much learning that takes place in every class and enrichment meeting. They can be fulfilling and enlightening experiences. We are truly blessed to be members of this divine organization. Indeed, it is a “happy gathering of sisters,” and I am so grateful to be a part of it.
Deanna June Alcazar, California

Mr. Krueger’s Christmas

One of my most treasured Christmas gifts this past December was the Ensign containing the special Christmas DVD Mr. Krueger’s Christmas. Every time I watch it, my heart soars with love for our Savior Jesus Christ, and I am overcome with joy and happiness at the Savior’s sacred birth. The accompanying music by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir makes my spirit sing. Please accept my humble thanks.
Ponda Anderson, Arizona

Marital Violence and Abuse

“For Newlyweds and Their Parents” in the January 2006 issue is a wonderful summary of the keys to adjustment for the new couple and their relatives and friends. It is important to note, however, that domestic violence and other serious abuse should not be kept secret under the guise of proper marital confidentiality. Those concerned should appropriately seek counsel and protection.
Gayle B. Adams, Utah

Stop Walking on Eggshells

I was very much interested in the January Ensign article entitled “He Offended Me.”

About 40 years ago I came to a personal decision about offending people. I decided to stop walking on eggshells when talking to people. I have never purposely tried to offend anyone, and it didn’t seem to matter to anyone else if what they said or did offended me. So I determined to do what the person in this article very apparently did—I started learning how to deal with offenses toward me.

I think a vast majority of Heavenly Father’s children truly do not try to offend anyone on purpose, for we do not really know what will offend another. I think offenses are normally given in innocence. So it is, I think, incumbent upon each of us to give the offending party the benefit of the doubt. If, in fact, the offending party did mean to offend, then I find the offense more easy to just ignore. If I feel terribly offended, I normally say, “That offends me. Why did you do (or say) that?”

I think we teach too often about not offending people when we need to be teaching how not to be so sensitive, to turn the other cheek.

If I were to act upon all the offenses I have received over the years, even by other Church members, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today. I must also say that when a person continues to purposely offend, I simply remove myself from that environment.
Emmett E. McKinney Sr., South Carolina
