January 2007

“Comment,” Ensign, Jan. 2007, 80


The Importance of Healthy Diets

In the October Ensign article “New Members, New Traditions,” under “We live the Word of Wisdom,” I felt that something could have been included about healthy eating. Eating whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is a big part of the Word of Wisdom. I feel that many members think they are living the Word of Wisdom by not smoking and drinking, but there is a lot more to it. We should eat to live, not live to eat.
Sandra Longley Thomas, North Carolina

Light in a Dark Place

Thank you for including the article “For the Divorced Single Parent” in the September Ensign. My divorce is not yet final, but I have been living as a single parent for nearly two years. It is the most difficult trial I have been asked to endure in my short lifetime. There are so many questions and worries, prayers and tears. Frankly, I’m surprised anyone survives. This article was a light for me in a very dark place—so many ideas to try to implement and advice to make future events easier for me and my three beautiful children. Thank you, thank you for remembering those of us with less-than-whole families.
Name Withheld

Heartfelt Thanks

Please accept our gratitude for the October Ensign. I have nearly worn out the pages. A close friend at work is a convert; she and I have wept together as she has gone through change as the gospel of Jesus Christ has enveloped her. I called her when she got her Ensign in the mail, and we wept again. I will order many copies of this issue and use them.
Kathy Wheeler, Nevada

Great Timing, Great Blessing

My TV broke last night, and my October Ensign arrived today—what great timing, and what a great blessing. I am a long-time member (since 1977), but we had a sister baptized two weeks ago. In addition to enjoying the articles for myself, I find I am reading them through her eyes too. Well done—a truly inspired and remarkable compilation of articles.
Susan Arkley, England
